Today I just wanted to share with you my nail polish storage solution! I love seeing pictures of other polish addicts' stashes, so I thought I'd share mine.
You've probably heard of the Helmer/Melmer on other blogs, but since I don't have an IKEA anywhere near me, I had to figure out something else! This is a 6 drawer storage unit I purchased from (click the picture if you want to see it on amazon). I then added a Sterlite three drawer organizer to the top of it to have a bit more storage for my nail related stuff. The unit works fairly well, I can fit a lot in the big drawers at the bottom as well as in the top drawer, however, the middle smaller drawers won't allow polish to stand upright so I have to lay them on their side (be careful if you do this because some polishes will leak).
My personal rule is that I can't buy more polish than will fit in this storage unit! It's how I keep my spending in check. If the drawers get tight it's time to sell some polish that I don't use.
You know you want to see my stash! Click:
OPI and Julep |
China Glaze |
Random polish chaos! |
You know those drawers in your house that are filled with all of the objects that don't belong anywhere else? The junk drawer? Well this is sort of my polish junk drawer, for all of the polishes (mostly lower-end polishes) that don't fit anywhere else!)
Mostly Sally Hansen & some drugstore brands |
Deborah Lippmann, Cult Nails, Barry M, and Essie |
Zoya and Indies |
In the sterlite storage unit on top:
Base/Top coat and stamping supplies! |
Nail Wheels |
Frankening Supplies |
I know that some of these drawers are quite messy, but I'm not an overly organized person so I thought I'd leave it messy. It's realistic! :)
Do you like seeing stash pictures? I know I do!
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